Arz El Murr Family
Arz El Murr is a businessman specialized in the digital field. In addition to El-Nashra group, which includes the news website but also websites dedicated to arts and sports, he owns El-Barid, which provides digital and banking services for the financial sector.
He is the nephew of current MP and former Deputy Prime Minister Michel Elias Murr (owner of Al-Joumhouria newspaper) and of former MP Gabriel Murr (whose family owns MTV and a number of entertainment radio stations). Arz El-Murr's family own a number of web-based platforms: Elnashra for political news, Elfann for entertainment, Elsport for sports, Elmazad for online auctions, and Elbarid, which operates several online and SMS banking services.
Online Publications
Financial Service Provider
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
Arz El Murr's wife and shareholder of ElNashra SARL (25%)
Arz El Murr's daughter and shareholder of ElNashra SARL (25%)
Arz El Murr's son and shareholder of ElNashra SARL (25%)