Al-Sharika Al-Qawmiya lil-I'lam SARL
Al-Sharika Al-Qawmiyah lil I’lam SARL publishes Al Binaa newspaper that was founded in 1958. It is aligned with the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.
Business Form
Legal Form
Limited Liability Company (SARL)
Business Sectors
Al-Sharika Al-Qawmiya lil-I'lam SARL is operating in the newspaper publishing sector.
Individual Owner
Syrian Social Nationalist Party
Three officials of the the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) formally own the company on behalf of the actual party:
Toufic Mhanna (33.3% - Vice-President of the Party)
Nabil Feghali (33.3% - member of the Party's Higher Council)
Gebran Oreiji (33.3% - former President of the Party)

Other Print Outlets
Al-Binaa (0.3%)
Other Online Outlets
General Information
Founding Year
Missing Data
Missing Data
Phone + 961 (1) 748 920
Tax/ ID Number
Commercial Registry number: 77332 (Beirut)
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
Wael Hassanieh (General Manager)
Toufic Mhanna (Partner)
Nabil Feghali (Partner)
Gebran Oreiji (Partner)
Further Information
Meta Data
Audience share for newspapers is based on IPSOS data (average readership 2016 and 2017).