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Samir Kassir Foundation
Global Media Registry

Lebanese Communist Party

Lebanese Communist Party

The Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) was formed in 1924 and is one of the oldest multi-sectarian parties in Lebanon. The party has never been represented in the Lebanese Parliament but played a prominent role during the first years of the Lebanese civil war.

The Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) was behind the establishment of New TV (Al-Jadeed) in the early 1990s until it first closed in 1997. Some prominent LCP members still own shares of Al-Jadeed. The LCP also owned Al-Akhbar newspaper's license, as well as licenses for two currently suspended magazines, the weekly Al-Nidaa, and the monthly Al-Tareeq. Through some of its members who established Al-Sharika Al-Alamiya lil Bath (Shaab), it owns the license for Sawt El Shaab radio station.

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  • Project by
    Samir Kassir Foundation
    Global Media Registry
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