Pharaon Family

Minister of State for Planning Michel Pharaon is a close ally of the Hariri family and of the Lebanese Forces. His sister Nayla is married to Jean de Freige, brother of former MP and Minister Nabil de Freige, also a Future Movement member.
Michel Pharaon became a well-known Lebanese and Arab figure after developing businesses in the Middle East and West and sub-Saharan Africa. He serves as the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Pharaon Holding S.A.L, the Chairman of the Board of Libano-Suisse Insurance Company and a non Executive Director of Amana Cooperative Insurance Company. A board member of LBCI and MedNet, he holds the position of Honorary President of the Lebanese Chess Federation.
The Pharaon family also owns the monthly French-language economic magazine Le Commerce du Levant, and half of Téléjour Holding, which is a shareholder in LBCI.
Pharaon Holding SAL
Libano-Suisse Insurance
Amana Cooperative Insurance
Le Commerce du Levant
Television & radio broadcasting
Téléjour Holding
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
close allies of Michel Pharaon.
Michel's sister and married to Jean de Freige, brother of former MP and Minister Nabil de Freige.